is a “rageful, lying, warmongering fellow; a “repulsive pedant” and “gross
Strong words, indeed. And just who is the subject of
this slur? Donald Trump you say?
Not even close. Although the shoe may fit, this
particular quote was directed at then-President John Adams by his vice
president, Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence and
fellow Founding Father. The two, formerly fast friends, found themselves matched
against each other in the presidential contest of 1800.
We mention this because the hostility level is rising
in the Trump/Clinton/Sanders contests. It
should be white hot soon. But before we cover
our ears, avert our eyes and weep for
the future of our country, consider this.
No matter how bizarre and angry the rhetoric becomes, it’s
unlikely it will match that of presidential contests in years past.
And the election of 1800 is the gold standard for
character assassination, deviousness and mudslinging.
For example, Adams supporters characterized Thomas
Jefferson as the son of a half-breed Indian squaw and a mulatto father. Voters
were warned that Jefferson’s election would result in a civil war and a
national orgy of rape, incest, and adultery.
They claimed Jefferson supporters were “cut-throats
who walk in rags and sleep amid filth and vermin.”
As the slurs piled on, Adams was labeled a fool, a
hypocrite, a criminal, and a tyrant, while Jefferson was branded a weakling, an
atheist, a libertine, and a coward.
Even Martha Washington got into the act, telling a
clergyman that Jefferson was "one of the most detestable of mankind."
So much for the age of civility.
Strangely enough, presidential candidates didn't actively
campaign in those days, according to several published histories. In fact,
Adams and Jefferson spent much of the election season at their respective homes
in Massachusetts and Virginia.
That didn’t stop Jefferson from hiring a pamphleteer
named James Callendar to do his dirty work. Adams, on the other hand,
considered himself above such tactics.
proved effective, claiming Adams had a “hermaphroditical character, which has
neither the force of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a
woman” and convinced many Americans that Adams wanted to attack France.
Although the claim was untrue, voters bought it, and Jefferson won the
Jefferson paid a price for his campaign tactics,
however. Callendar served jail time for
slandering Adams, and when he emerged from prison in 1801, he felt Jefferson
owed him.
When Jefferson did little to appease him, Callendar
published a story in 1802 that claimed the President was having an affair with
one of his slaves, Sally Hemings. In a series of articles, Callendar wrote that
Jefferson had lived with Hemings in France and that she had given birth to five
of his children.
That rumor continues to attach itself to the name of
Thomas Jefferson to this day. In fact, a 1998 DNA study found a match
between the Jefferson male line and a descendant of Hemings' last
son, Eston Hemings.
Adams lived long enough to see his son, John Quincy
Adams, elected to the presidency.
He died before his son engaged in a nasty reelection
battle with Andrew Jackson in 1828.
Slurs flew back and forth, with John Quincy Adams
being labeled a pimp, and Andrew Jackson's wife getting called a slut.
A historian reported that as the election progressed,
editorials in the American newspapers read more like bathroom graffiti than
political commentary.
One paper
claimed that "General Jackson's mother was a common prostitute, brought to
this country by the British soldiers. She afterward married a mulatto man, with
whom she had several children, of which number General Jackson is one!"
Jackson supporters accused Adams of having premarital
sex with his wife and being a pimp, claiming he arranged an American hooker for
Czar Alexander I.
A few other lowlights:
In 1839, Martin Van Buren was accused of being too
close to the Pope, when, in fact, he had done little more than correspond with
the Vatican in his job as Secretary of State under Andrew Jackson. His
opponents, nevertheless, spread the canard that a “popish plot” was afoot to
ensure Van Buren’s election.
During the campaign of 1864, Abraham Lincoln was
called an ape, a ghoul and a traitor. One New York
paper suggested that “Barnum should buy and exhibit him as a zoological
curiosity.” A Houston newspaper said he was the “most
ungainly mass of legs and arms and hatchet face ever strung on a single frame.”
Political cartoons pictured him as a monkey. At one point, Lincoln’s wife was accused of being a Confederate spy.
During the campaign of 1884 the Buffalo Evening Telegraph accused Grover Cleveland of fathering
an illegitimate son a decade earlier in Buffalo. It turned out that Cleveland,
a bachelor, had dated the child’s mother, as had several other men. The boy,
therefore, was of questionable parentage. Yet the inherently decent Cleveland
had provided for him. A chant soon arose in Republican ranks: “Ma! Ma! Where’s
my pa? Gone to the White House, ha! ha! ha!”
Robert Rector is a veteran of 50 years in
print journalism. He has worked at the San Francisco Examiner, Los Angeles
Herald Examiner, Valley News, Los Angeles Times and Pasadena Star-News. His
columns can be found at Robert-Rector@Blogspot.Com.
Follow him on Twitter at @robertrector1.